Friday, September 12, 2008

Keebler's Dentist Day!

Yesterday we had a little trauma at our house. Keebler Kohn (that is my third child's nickname at home, so that is what I will be referring to him as on my blog) got 2 teeth pulled out at the dentist! Keebler has been having some crowding issues that our orthodontist has been watching now for about a year and a half. Wednesday Keebler had a 6 month check up at the ortho and he decided that it was time to take matters into our own hands because the teeth were just not going to be doing what they should be doing on there own. They made him an appointment for the next day at our dentist and Keebler Kohn was just about the bravest little 7 year old I know. I wasn't even sure what to expect as nothing like this has happened in our family. I was very impressed by how easily the teeth were removed...I totally thought to myself, "no wonder it's a common thing to have a tooth get knocked out". A couple of big toughs with a pair of pliers from the dentist and pop they are out!! Of course, with some serious numbness beforehand! (Which was by far the worst part for Keebler...I hate those shots too!!) And just in case you are wondering, it is really inexpensive to get a tooth pulled out by the philosophy from here on out will be to just yank out those baby teeth because it is cheaper than filling the cavity! So when you see my children all toothless know they must not be brushing their teeth good enough!!

Keebler absolutely scared out of his mind...
I thought laughing gas was suppose to make you happy?!?!?!

Keebs proud moment once he realized it really didn't hurt!
And wow did he have a show and tell for class today!

Big gapping holes and crowded bottom step back to the ortho Monday to have an appliance made that will keep the space there while the permanent teeth come in.


buzzanna said...

Yikes! I am such a chicken at the dentist. Way to go Keebler (it took me minute to figure out which one you were talking about.

Hopefully this will ease up some future pain with braces.

Erin said...

Keebler, I have never heard him called that before. Cute, although I think it should be some spanish name. I think I will call him Keebler Carlos from now on. What a brave little boy. I definately agree that the shots are the worse part of any dental experience. I never get them and Tay has had to cavities filled without them too.

The Morgan Clan said...

ouch, that doesn't look like fun at all. Good job tough guy!

Jewels said...

Poor little guy! He seems way to young to be going through such trauma already!! Oh what we do for perfectly straight teeth!

Anonymous said...

Melinda... I didn't know you had a blog. I am so excited to keep up with you. I think the dentist is just as hard on the mom. Good Job!! Congrats on the weight loss. You look so good.